How to Erroneously Define your Legacy

coaching legacy mindset Mar 14, 2022

What I love about helping entrepreneurs and business owners define their legacy, is that at any moment you don’t know where a conversation might go. You see as far as I’m concerned every human is looking to define their legacy, even if they don’t use that particular language right now, and you might not.

In this context, we are talking about legacy future, once our souls are no longer on this planet. Some are under the impression that legacy is only to be found in material circumstances.  Some are carrying the presuppositions from family as to what a “legacy should” look like. 

Some are only focusing on the external shifts that need to happen to create a future legacy, rather than shifting their own internal experience. And for some, which is where we are focusing on today, they are struggling to define their future legacy, from their present mindset and legacy.


Perspective on legacy

Let me share with you a story from my upbringing as...

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What to do when you’ve lost your MOJO?

I’m having so many clients who feel like they lost their mojo. Do you feel like your drive is gone, you feel lethargic or flat? Do you have things to do on that never-ending to-do list but don’t have the drive to get them done? Why does mojo matter? Mojo is your drive, your enthusiasm, you drive to get stuff done and it does so consistently and persistently.

When we want to create legacies, a functional business and a high performing lifestyle, we need that motivation.

Reasons why you could have lost your mojo

Physical and Lifestyle factors

Have a check-in with yourself. Do you have an underlying health condition that impacts your motivation, do you have irregular breathing, do you have hormonal issues?  Are there lifestyle factors going that are impacting your mojo? Do you have a lack of sleep? We use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. It is strategically used for a negative purpose. It shows you how important sleep is. How much deep sleep are you getting,...

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It happens to us all – insights of a struggling coach

coach coaching mindset Mar 02, 2022

This blogpost is all about struggling. When we are looking to achieve dreams and goals, whether in business or in life, we all have those days when we are struggling. For me there was a day when the tipping point led to me yelling to the Universe “Really?! I’m struggling here!!”

I was packing my bags for a year of adventure, slipped and grabbed one of the metal rail bars. Almost watching in slow motion, my entire wardrobe fell apart like a Rube Goldberg machine and ALL of the clothes were on the floor and me in the middle of the heap.

If we look at the bigger picture of what happened here, the chain of events that day: My struggle started with an email, What to do in the eye of the struggle hurricane, what was really going on, how to decide to be instead and what to do next, post struggle meltdown.

My struggle started with an email

If I wind the clock back before I even started packing, I know that I went into that wardrobe in a mood. Let’s say not at my...

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The reasons vision boards work and how to make one

Goal setting and vision boarding is one of those techniques that you completely embrace for the upcoming periods. I love visions boards, I adore them but sometimes equally roll my eyes when I this practice.  In this blogpost we will cover why visions boards are great, the application of vision boards, how vision can be misleading and the missing ingredient.

Why visions boards are great

Reticular Activating system

In our brains, across the brainstem, is something we call the reticular activating system or RAS for short. Its main function is regulating arousal and sleep-wake transitions. However, the ascending projections of the RAS facilitate the conscious perception of sensory stimuli. Meaning that when it comes to vision boards, this translates to sifting criteria in your RAS, and the perceived need to see and even respond to sensory stimuli.

When we put something on our vision boards, it goes into the RAS which acts like a sift. A good example of this sifting process is...

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Making Money Easily

When it comes to the topic of making money easily, I frequently encounter in my work that clients subconsciously do not want to do it. Your mind is the driver even when you don’t think when it’s in the driver’s seat. Why do we want to make it really hard for people to pay us? You think ‘’of course I want to make money easily Laura.’’

We can self-sabotage when it comes to making money easily.  We can make it really hard for people to pay us. So this coaching blog is about your subconscious mind with some conscious mind tips and tricks you can do to have some instant gratification now on implementing if you want to.

Reasons why you could be yourself holding back

Ancestral narratives

If you come from a long family line of hard workers, you might have an ancestral narrative that says that you need to be a hard worker too. Which turns into the belief that you need to work hard to earn money. And if you haven’t done enough hard...

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How to be visible online as an introvert

If we haven’t met before, my name is Laura Payne-Stanley I’m a professional speaker for businesses and organisations, and I’ve been a TEDx Speaker too…… and I’m also an introvert.

Which makes me very qualified to talk about this topic of how to be visible online as an introvert, and well indeed how to be visible anywhere as an introvert.

When I talk about introversion, and being an introvert, people are often shocked.

But you do:

  • TEDx talks
  • Host your own events
  • Network with industry leaders

And yes that is all true, but I am an introvert to my core.

How do I know?

Let me explain about introversion; two people go to an event, for the introvert, they experience it as the battery draining down the more they are around people.

For an extrovert, at the same event the battery is being charged when they are around people.

This is really just a metaphor for what is happening at a neurobiological level with introverts and extroverts, and literally...

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How to Leave a Legacy as a childless person


The word legacy can be triggering for some and especially today in this post as we are discussing the topic of how to ‘Leave a Legacy’ as a childless person, especially when childless not by choice.

I know this can be a terribly difficult topic for those who are part of the community of childless not by choice and those who know people who are, and don't know what to say.

I have spoken about this before but to recap my own personal story about legacy and bloodline.

You haven’t missed here on the blog, on social or in newsletters; me talking about kids, as my husband and I, aka Mr P don’t have our family yet and it wasn’t by choice.

Ours has been a 13 year journey so far.  Without it becoming a 13 year soap opera, there have been many procedures, many avenues investigated.  There have been heartbeats seen and hearts broken when lost.  There are more stars in the sky during our 13 year journey. And the journey has been over...

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From shipping container to luxury hotels... and she got featured on TV!

As an entrepreneur myself, there are a few things that make my proudest moments, and one of these is celebrating a client’s success.  

Today I am celebrating and spotlighting one of my clients, luxury floral designer Paula Rooney, who recently got featured on TV on Billionaire Blooms at Christmas, on Channel 4. 

Image by Lina and Tom Photography

Paula Rooney is a respected business woman and luxury floral designer who works with millionaires, billionaires and luxe hotels providing floral design services.  

Paula and I started working together many years ago, now when she was still working out of a shipping container.

Fast forward to today and Paula and her award-winning team have been featured on Channel 4, Tatler, Brides Magazine, Guardian and are the floral creative force at the Four Seasons Ten Trinity in London.  

Paula and the team star in Billionaire Blooms at Christmas that first aired on 29th December on Channel 4. Billionaire Blooms...

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Finishing 2021 Strong in business

Welcome to Finishing 2021 strong in business or crawling to the finish line.

Let’s dive in and ask the question – are you finishing the year strong or feeling like you are crawling to the finish line?

Or let’s do a quick reframe of the question – do you want to have an amazing 2022 or if you are reading this in the future, do you want to have an amazing next year?

I used to swim as a kid.  When I say swim, I trained 3 times a week and had my first ever coach.

I’ll never forget the wisdom that he taught me. You see I wasn’t and am not your typical swimmer.  I’m only just 5.5. now, and as a kid of about 13, I was 5 ft nothing.

I’m a curvy vixen and have been that way since I hit my teens.

So when I used to go to swimming competitions, when the swimmers are on the blocks, you look up and down to check out who else is competition.   And I didn’t look like competition.

And that’s ok. But I knew....

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How instant gratification is killing legacy creation

It’s time to talk about instant gratification and the impact this is having on those who are seeking to create a legacy.

You may or may not know this about me, but in case you don’t, I love an underdog and especially the underdog when it comes to property.

My husband Mr P and I, are on our second full property renovation which is now completed, the home is sold and we are looking for what is our next project.

When you are looking at a property to renovate, it’s as much about unburdening yourself of your ego and your limitations and seeing the beauty of the masterpiece property within.

And when looking at property to renovate I get nervous, because it isn’t about the sale or profit.  It’s about creating something that could have a lasting impact on future families who give the home a new soul and memories.

Because of this when I look at a property, fear is always with me.

Fear if can we create the vision that I see in my mind.

The fear of...

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