5 Money Mindset Changes to do TODAY

mindset money money mindset Mar 28, 2018

What we think and feel about money becomes our reality. In other words if you are not seeing the financial success or easy with money that you desire there are likely to be some money mindset changes that need to happen.

Everyone has a relationship with money, and much like any other relationship, you learned the parameters of that relationship, and how to ‘be’ in a relationship with money when you were a child before the age of 7.

If our money story is empowering and we have an ease and flow in attracting, holding and spending money then the financial success we crave is likely to be a reality. Sometimes it can even be the impact of dealing with a refund that can impact us. 

However if your thoughts and feelings about money are disempowering, or they are holding you back, we refer to these as limiting beliefs.

As we grow we try on these limiting beliefs and they can be reinforced by age, so overcoming them in middle to late adulthood can be a challenge.

So what can you do to get rid of those limiting beliefs about money? A simple yet hard step process called 5 Money Mindset Changes that you can do today.

Overcoming False Money Beliefs

1 – Write down a false money belief that is keeping you stuck.

This is the part where you need to dig deep and be honest with yourself to identify what it is you are actually saying or belief that is keeping you stuck.


  • Making money is hard
  • Rich people are arrogant
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • Money can’t buy happiness
  • I’m not good with money
  • Seeking wealth is selfish


Write how it is keeping you stuck.

Now that you’ve uncovered what the money belief is, identify exactly how that belief is keeping you stuck and working against what it is that you say you want.


Create a new positive money affirmation to address this.

What do you need to hear, that you can say to yourself to create a new belief.

“Good things are happening for me and I attract money to me easily.”

Provide evidence to support your new belief.

Want to have a great relationship with money? Think about a time when the new belief has already happened for you.

It is there the evidence that you seek, you have to want to find it. A time when you found some money floating down a street (happened when I was a child in Spain) or when you got a surprise bonus, or a client overpaid.

Seek and you shall find the evidence.

What 1 Action Step will you take today to cement into reality the new belief?

You need both positive beliefs and aligned action to achieve your goals. What can you do right now, today, to take aligned action steps towards your goals. Pitch a new idea, launch a new project, write a blog post, reach out to someone?

What limiting beliefs around money or creating wealth do you have or have struggled with in the past? Contact me and let me know. 

FAQs on Money Mindset:

Q: What is the relationship between our thoughts and feelings about money and our financial reality?
A: Our thoughts and feelings about money become our reality. If we have an empowering relationship with money, we are more likely to experience financial success. However, if we have disempowering or limiting beliefs about money, they can hold us back from achieving our financial goals.

Q: When do we learn our relationship with money?
A: We learn the parameters of our relationship with money and how to 'be' in a relationship with money when we are children, before the age of 7.

Q: What are limiting beliefs about money?
A: Limiting beliefs about money are disempowering thoughts and feelings that hold us back from financial success. Examples include: "Making money is hard," "Rich people are arrogant," "Money is the root of all evil," "Money can't buy happiness," "I'm not good with money," and "Seeking wealth is selfish."

Q: How can we overcome false money beliefs?
A: To overcome false money beliefs, follow these 5 Money Mindset Changes:
1. Write down a false money belief that is keeping you stuck and how it is keeping you stuck.
2. Create a new positive money affirmation to address this belief.
3. Provide evidence to support your new belief by thinking about a time when the new belief has already happened for you.
4. Take one action step today to cement the new belief into reality.
5. Seek and find evidence to support your new belief.

Q: What is needed to achieve financial goals?
A: Both positive beliefs and aligned action are needed to achieve financial goals. Take action steps today to move towards your goals, such as pitching a new idea, launching a new project, writing a blog post, or reaching out to someone.

Do you want to step further into changing your Mindset?
Confidence is at the heart of all mindset, and supercharge your confidence here 

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