How to overcome Imposter Syndrome in 5 tips

Do you ever find yourself thinking that you don’t know enough, aren’t slim/ pretty or confidence enough/ aren’t experienced enough? Basically just not good enough to achieve your goals?

Let me tell you that you aren’t alone and it’s very common for highly successful people to feel this way to, including the amazing Michelle Obama, Tina Fey and Sheryl Sandberg, who have all publicly said that they felt like a fraud at times.

So what actually is this? It is called Imposter Syndrome and at the core, just not feeling good enough.

Here are some of my top 5 tips to start addressing your Imposter Syndrome.
1. Write down all of your strengths 
sit down and write down a list of all your strengths and positive qualities. If you find any resistance to doing this task, simply put on a blank page, “Why am I awesome.....” and just like you would tenaciously go after any other goal in your business, direct that towards answering this question.


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Dealing with entrepreneurial disappointment with Thrive Global

Any entrepreneur will tell you that it is a roller-coaster, that there are highs and lows. As an established entrepreneur for over a decade I know this to be true, but too often being an entrepreneur is pitched as being 100% fun and creating the life of your dreams.

Let’s cut through some of the marketing speak and false promises on this. Yes being an entrepreneur is 100% awesome and I would never trade it for an employed role. It is about creating a life and business of your dreams, and this does take work. It does take hustle and it does take hard work and momentum to get a business started especially if you are at the beginning.

Many entrepreneurs also find themselves feeling very isolated and lonely, as they spend large quantities of time on their own. It is one of the reasons as to why I created the Facebook community Entrepreneurs Elevating to bring together those entrepreneurs who are seeking to build a highly profitable and have longevity in business built on solid...

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5 Tips on How to Sell More

money sell more May 23, 2018

The reason as a mindset ninja coach that selling is so important to me is that no matter what field you are in, the impact on increasing your conversion rate, increasing your average order value and increasing your lifetime customer value has HUGE impact on your business.

The world has undeniably changed for me since I learned not just the techniques but the neuroscience behind how to sell with ease.

As a coach, I used to hate the idea of actually selling my services, it felt sleazy and pushy. And this is something that I hear from so many of my own clients too.

Clients who are tenacious and awesome at what they do, yet selling to them feels like incredibly hard work.

Here are a few quick tips that you can implement today on how to sell more:

1 – Get to Know your Customer

As an NLP Master Practitioner, we call this getting into rapport, and on a basic level, it means getting to know your customer BEFORE you launch into your sales script.

Match and mirror their...

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How to Stop Procrastinating Now

entrepeneurs tips Apr 10, 2018

Let’s face it, there are times when procrastination happens. Have you ever sat at your desk as an entrepreneur, full of good intentions, and then realise you’d rather faff on Facebook, scroll on Instagram or generally ‘lose time’ being busy doing nothing?


And you are not alone, there are many creative ways that people come up with reasons and ways of procrastinating:

They're too tired; 
Too busy; 
Too overwhelmed; 
Too inexperienced; 
Too shy.

So why do we procrastinate? Often because we haven’t aligned with our bigger vision goals and broken them down in actionable steps.

But there is hope and here are my 6 top tips on How to Stop Procrastinating Now

1 – Be Nice.

One of the quickest ways to break out of the procrastination and guilt cycle is to give yourself a break and stop beating yourself up for procrastinating in the first place.

Remember, after you’ve given yourself a good kicking you are still in the...

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5 Money Mindset Changes to do TODAY

mindset money money mindset Mar 28, 2018

What we think and feel about money becomes our reality. In other words if you are not seeing the financial success or easy with money that you desire there are likely to be some money mindset changes that need to happen.

Everyone has a relationship with money, and much like any other relationship, you learned the parameters of that relationship, and how to ‘be’ in a relationship with money when you were a child before the age of 7.

If our money story is empowering and we have an ease and flow in attracting, holding and spending money then the financial success we crave is likely to be a reality. Sometimes it can even be the impact of dealing with a refund that can impact us. 

However if your thoughts and feelings about money are disempowering, or they are holding you back, we refer to these as limiting beliefs.

As we grow we try on these limiting beliefs and they can be reinforced by age, so overcoming them in middle to late adulthood can be a challenge.

So what...

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Do you need a mind coach?

It is the stuff of business fairytales… 

a talented solo floral designer, goes in 3 years from working on her own to securing one of the most prestigious ‘floral designer in residence’ contracts in the whole of the UK, at the prestigious Four Seasons Ten Trinity.

That is exactly what the vivacious and inspiring Paula Rooney has done and is now becoming known as the rising star of the international floral designer community, sought after for luxury brides, floral design installations and even cruise ships!

Now having an in-house team of 6 plus her on-site floral design team, success like this doesn’t just happen and I’ve been working with Paula as her mind coach and success mentor.

Paula isn’t alone either, as shown on my testimonial page, but also celebrities such as Oprah, Richard Brandson, Nia Long, Leonardo DiCaprio plus elite athletes such as Serena Williams to presidents such as Bill Clinton have all worked with...

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How Imagineering can help entrepreneurs

Following training to become a certified coach and hypnotherapist, I was left lacking when I tried the usual techniques such as visualising and vision boarding, for connecting with my why and what I was actually trying to create.

I offer hypnosis as part of my extended coaching services to reprogram a wide range of lifestyle and business issues. Hypnosis is a powerful technique and I’ve observed clients connecting with some of their true desires through hypnotherapy.

So I sought out a method that combined coaching and hypnotherapy for connecting with your goals, your true desires and what it actually is that you desire to create. And guess what? I couldn’t find any that resonated.

This is why I set about creating my own unique training method called Imagineering. A practical, hypnotherapy based approach around Ericksonian hypnosis created by psychiatrist Milton Erickson. Imagineering combines light trance hypnotherapy with powerful coaching techniques that has allowed...

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5 High Performance Habits for Entrepreneurs

The quest for more is something that is inherent as a human and especially as an entrepreneur, more knowledge, more impact and more income.

As a certified NLP Life & Business Coach who works with entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success, learning the strategies and high performance habits can change the course of your life and business trajectory.

1 – Seek Clarity

One of the biggest high performance habits for entrepreneurs is their continual journey to seek clarity, in their life and in their business. They connect with who they want to be, how they want to serve and know how to check in with self to continually re-evaluate.

Who is it you want to be in the world today and how do you want to serve?

2 – Failure is not durable

Your relationship with failure will directly impact how you experience failure. If you are looking to avoid it and are motivated with actions away from failure, your quest is to gain success only if it doesn’t incur failure,...

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