Meet the Woman who Coaches Top Poker Players

clients coaching mindset May 10, 2021

Most entrepreneurs, elite athletes, business managers, execs and directors have their own coaches. The more formal consultants can focus on the tactical and strategic aspects of a clients work.

However, when elite poker players want help with the mental side of the game, they come to mindset ninja and trusted advisor Laura Payne-Stanley.


Laura says:

“Some people call me a coach. Some people call me a hypnotherapist and some people call me an expert in helping people to get out of their own way, and play the best games of their lives. But the elite players just call me.”

Feel more focused, more confident and stop the tilt.

So who is the woman, the secret weapon that has been compared to Wendy Rhoades from Billions for the poker market?

Laura, or LPS as her clients call her, says:

“I never set out to become the trusted advisor for poker players. I was working with top executives in film, casting directors and entrepreneurs, and a few of them used to play...

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How to Scale a Coaching Business

coaching mindset sell more Apr 21, 2021

I wouldn't be the in-demand, high-level coach that I am if I didn't start by asking a question rather than answering this one. The question being how to scale your coaching business?

The question I want to ask you is why do you want to scale your coaching business?

Could you feel the impact of that question? And you do need to answer this before moving on. Because if you don’t know why you want to scale your coaching business, then 'how' is irrelevant.

It might seem like a strange question to ask, but I often have conversations with people who want to scale their coaching businesses to six figures, seven figures, and beyond.

From the hundreds of personal clients that I've had and 1000s of people that I've worked with through courses and from the stage, I've learnt that there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to scaling coaching practices.

This is how I work as a powerful coach. I ask the questions that you need to be asked, not answer the questions that you would...

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How do I know if my love is interested in me or my money?

Does this sound familiar to you.

You've recently gone on a date. And then in the first half an hour, you run through what both of you do for a living, which is of course a completely reasonable question.

You may try and dial down exactly that success that you currently have, so you do not seem too overwhelming. However, your date seems immediately suppressed and changes their energy as soon as you told them of your success.

Maybe a little too impressed in fact. You were getting the feeling that your success, that your money, that your status was more of an attraction than you were?

You may have had a feeling at an instinct or gut level. That you thought this person was more interested in your success than you if you had no success.

Of course, you're proud of your success. And you want to share it with the love of your life.

So how do you figure out if your date or the person you're currently interested in is interested in you, or if they are after your money?

1. Let go of...

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Life Coaching for Dentists, the tooth!

More Patients, more Money

You want a better quality of life, and you want to see results quickly. So why would a dentist need a life coach?

The simple answer is to not just love your practice again but also love your life again.

This involves everything from leading your team to doing the technical parts of dentistry that you have been trained to do, to make more money.

And for you to be a business owner who loves owning a dental practice.

Let me ask you...

As a dental practice owner, do you have an off switch?

While we may be coming to the end of pandemic and lockdown restrictions changing, many dentists have reported increased levels of anxiety, loneliness, panic, wanting to leave or just simply wondering; why are they a dentist in the first place?

Through my work with high-level entrepreneurs, including dentists, I've noticed several patterns:

  1. Imposter syndromeWho am I to be charging higher rates? Who am I to be growing a dental practice at a young age?
  2. Big Questions -...
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Guide to Selling Consulting Services

coaching money sell more Mar 29, 2021

Ever since I became an entrepreneur, over 10 years ago, I've been asked how I've continued to sell out consulting services.

I've had requests from other top consultancies, journalists, and leading corporate agencies. I'm going to share with you today how I broke the rules and became a sold consultant without even having a website at the time.

One - Mindset 

Whether you are brand new to consulting or an established consultant, it is essentially important to look at your mindset before ever trying to sell your services. If you have a block, limiting belief, or blind spot around selling your servicing to others, then address this before ever moving forward. I would include mindset work around selling your consultancy services and your pricing.

Are you charging what you are worth? Are you proud, honored, and comfortable to ask for your rates? Also checking that you are not frustrated with the rate that you are charging.

It's important to remember that if you aren't confident in...

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4 Truths for why you or they have gone off sex

What is sex in a long term relationship supposed to look like? How often are most people doing it?  

Chances are if you are asking this question for either you or your partner, you’re probably encountering some issues in the bedroom department.

A universal truth is that most sex-education in the UK comes from the very limited sex-ed classes in school, behind the bike-shed conversations or from porn.

The first option of sexual education classes in school is not led from a standpoint of how to have great sex, but rather the mechanics of pregnancy.

Then option 2 and 3 of peer conversations and porn, feed into each other of setting unrealistic expectations around intimacy and sex. You may be reading this article as you found it on Google, after searching for advice because the frequency of the sex in your relationship has decreased, it just feels boring or you are on auto-pilot and doing it because of the fun associated.

Let’s talk about the 4 truths of going off...

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How to raise your rates without losing clients

business clients money Mar 15, 2021

Whether you have been an entrepreneur for a while, new to consultancy, or you're getting frustrated with how much you are earning; you will likely want to raise your rates at some point in time.

Here are the observations that I hear when clients are considering raising their rates, but blocks or limiting beliefs are holding them back.

  • My clients may go to someone who charges less
  • My existing clients will go and I’ll be out of business
  • My clients are going to be annoyed when I raise my rates
  • My clients will not understand the rate increases
  • My clients will complain to others about my rates
  • Peers are going to make negative comments about who am I to charge those rates

Let me say this to you right now: these are all common blocks to have.

What is so wrong with wanting to charge more?

Many entrepreneurs do raise their rates for several commercial and lifestyle reasons.

  • They are fully booked and earnings become capped
  • The margins for their consultancy rates isn’t...
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How Can We Stop People-Pleasing Others?

If I look back at my own story as a child, I learned during school that people-pleasing was a skill and it got results. From putting the pens back in the draw to seeing on report cards “Laura is a pleasure to have in class”, there were always ways that I could please people.

As a skill, people-pleasing or a part of what enables you to people-please is important. It is the ability to be empathetic, read and understand your audience in a very short space of time.

It’s important to understand that people-pleasing, isn’t the same as being kind to others.

The behaviour resides in that you will seek to make others happy, even though it may have a detrimental impact on your health and wellbeing.

It can involve you being terrified, with a physical response of being rejected by others.

How do you know if you are a people pleaser:

  1. Pretending to agree with people when you don’t
  2. Apologies even when you’ve done nothing wrong
  3. Not being able to say no even when...
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7 Best NLP Books to become a coach

business coach nlp Nov 18, 2020

Whether you are looking to become a coach or for your own personal development, neuro-linguistic programming is a powerful coaching tool, and here are the best NLP Books.

The list that follows is comprehensive for beginner level as you explore the powerful world of NLP, and I’ve also thrown in a couple of more advanced books too, for you if you wish to progress.

An important note that the books below give a comprehensive top-level overview of NLP as a topic, but they do not always go into specific focus on certain models or techniques.

What is NLP

Before we get into the book list, let’s go back to what actually is NLP. 

NLP stands for ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming’ and has been around since 1970’s when its co-founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder first modelled the therapists Milton Erickson, Gregory Bateson, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir.

ANLP defines NLP as a collection of models, techniques and strategies for modelling excellence, in...

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NLP Specialist Envoy for Online Business & Technology

business nlp technology May 18, 2020

As a certified Master Coach of NLP, I only work with the leading organisations with the NLP Coaching Community and I’m delighted to announce, that I have accepted the position of NLP Specialist Envoy for Online Business & Technology on behalf of the ANLP.

Whilst virtual therapy and coaching sessions are becoming part of the norm as ‘face-to-face’ therapy stopped seemingly overnight after the Covid-19 Pandemic.

As leading coaches we have to find new ways to grow businesses and support clients and this includes online technology.

NEW Online Virtual hypnotherapy clinics, Virtual NLP Success Coaching, and ‘One-to-One’ Sleep Coaching are now part of the safe solution. 

As lead coach and strategist at ElevateLABS, we help coaches build sustainably integrity led services online.  Through my blend of NLP, corporate strategies, and proven online growth systems, I lead the ElevateLABS team that creates long term growth for coaches, consultants, and...

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