How Imagineering can help entrepreneurs
Jan 30, 2018
Following training to become a certified coach and hypnotherapist, I was left lacking when I tried the usual techniques such as visualising and vision boarding, for connecting with my why and what I was actually trying to create.
I offer hypnosis as part of my extended coaching services to reprogram a wide range of lifestyle and business issues. Hypnosis is a powerful technique and I’ve observed clients connecting with some of their true desires through hypnotherapy.
So I sought out a method that combined coaching and hypnotherapy for connecting with your goals, your true desires and what it actually is that you desire to create. And guess what? I couldn’t find any that resonated.
This is why I set about creating my own unique training method called Imagineering. A practical, hypnotherapy based approach around Ericksonian hypnosis created by psychiatrist Milton Erickson. Imagineering combines light trance hypnotherapy with powerful coaching techniques that has allowed my clients to achieve extraordinary results, and has become sought-after.

So what exactly is Imagineering?
Although Imagineering uses hypnosis as part of its method, the process itself is much more than that, as it also focuses on clearing limiting beliefs and engaging the psychological drivers behind success.
Resistance isn’t a problem
For many Imagineering is often the first experience people have had of hypnosis or trance. You don’t need to be experienced in hypnosis to fully appreciate the experience, as it is delivered by a Master Hypnotherapist!
It can be life changing
A beautiful experience happens when people become connected for the first time with their true desires, without fear or judgement, however big or small, true aligned goals are created.
Different to other goal setting
Imagineering is different to other goal setting techniques, think of it as vision boarding, visualisation and traditional goal setting taken to the next level. Imagineering achieves outstanding lasting results very quickly.
Individual or Group
Imagineering sessions are created depending on the requirements, and can be run with large groups or on a 1-2-1 person basis as an individual session, or as part my Injection Vortex 2 hour session or work with me in success coaching .
What if you could finally be in a space to dream bigger than ever before? To be guided by a registered Master Hypnotherapist and Coach to connect with your unique goals, that maybe even you aren’t aware of?
Here are some common questions people have about hypnosis:
1. Q: What is hypnosis?
A: Hypnosis is a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and relaxation. During hypnosis, the conscious mind is bypassed, allowing the subconscious mind to become more receptive to suggestions.
2. Q: Is hypnosis real, or is it just a trick?
A: Hypnosis is a genuine psychological phenomenon backed by scientific research. It is not a magical trick or a form of mind control.
3. Q: Can anyone be hypnotised?
A: Most people can be hypnotized to some degree, but some individuals are more susceptible to hypnosis than others. Factors like trust, rapport, and willingness to participate can influence the success of hypnosis.
4. Q: What does hypnosis feel like?
A: Hypnosis typically feels like a deeply relaxed and focused state. Individuals may experience a sense of calmness, detachment, or heightened awareness. However, the experience can vary from person to person. I personally enjoy being hypnotised and my whole system feels more relaxed afterwards.
5. Q: Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
A: No, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a voluntary state, and you can emerge from it whenever you choose or when the hypnotist guides you to do so.
6. Q: Will I lose control during hypnosis?
A: Contrary to popular belief, you do not lose control during hypnosis. You remain aware and in control of your actions, and you cannot be made to do anything against your will.

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