When it comes to the topic of making money easily, I frequently encounter in my work that clients subconsciously do not want to do it. Your mind is the driver even when you don’t think when it’s in the driver’s seat. Why do we want to make it really hard for people to pay us? You think ‘’of course I want to make money easily Laura.’’
We can self-sabotage when it comes to making money easily. We can make it really hard for people to pay us. So this coaching blog is about your subconscious mind with some conscious mind tips and tricks you can do to have some instant gratification now on implementing if you want to.
If you come from a long family line of hard workers, you might have an ancestral narrative that says that you need to be a hard worker too. Which turns into the belief that you need to work hard to earn money. And if you haven’t done enough hard...
If we haven’t met before, my name is Laura Payne-Stanley I’m a professional speaker for businesses and organisations, and I’ve been a TEDx Speaker too…… and I’m also an introvert.
Which makes me very qualified to talk about this topic of how to be visible online as an introvert, and well indeed how to be visible anywhere as an introvert.
When I talk about introversion, and being an introvert, people are often shocked.
But you do:
And yes that is all true, but I am an introvert to my core.
How do I know?
Let me explain about introversion; two people go to an event, for the introvert, they experience it as the battery draining down the more they are around people.
For an extrovert, at the same event the battery is being charged when they are around people.
This is really just a metaphor for what is happening at a neurobiological level with introverts and extroverts, and literally...
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