Are you panicking and pivoting in business?

The pivot panic and are you doing this in your business?  Pivot can be substituted for any word. If you don’t like the word you can define it as a decision, evolution, changing my mind, whatever you want. What happens when you made a decision, pivoted or changed. There can be this panic that sets in. It can be your decision or it can be someone else’s decision.

My story

I had experienced this two months before my wedding. I was made redundant from my role. Didn’t see it coming. My boss at the time was even coming to the wedding. So this was something that was not at all on my radar.

So 2 months before my wedding day I managed to keep my head up, walk out of that office, drove for a while and cried my eyes out. I called my husband, fiancé at the time, who was on his stag-do and told him I was made redundant. He was supportive and said it was all going to be fine. (he was going to be home later anyway so it was all good). It was decided, 2 months...

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How to Erroneously Define your Legacy

coaching legacy mindset Mar 14, 2022

What I love about helping entrepreneurs and business owners define their legacy, is that at any moment you don’t know where a conversation might go. You see as far as I’m concerned every human is looking to define their legacy, even if they don’t use that particular language right now, and you might not.

In this context, we are talking about legacy future, once our souls are no longer on this planet. Some are under the impression that legacy is only to be found in material circumstances.  Some are carrying the presuppositions from family as to what a “legacy should” look like. 

Some are only focusing on the external shifts that need to happen to create a future legacy, rather than shifting their own internal experience. And for some, which is where we are focusing on today, they are struggling to define their future legacy, from their present mindset and legacy.


Perspective on legacy

Let me share with you a story from my upbringing as...

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What to do when youā€™ve lost your MOJO?

I’m having so many clients who feel like they lost their mojo. Do you feel like your drive is gone, you feel lethargic or flat? Do you have things to do on that never-ending to-do list but don’t have the drive to get them done? Why does mojo matter? Mojo is your drive, your enthusiasm, you drive to get stuff done and it does so consistently and persistently.

When we want to create legacies, a functional business and a high performing lifestyle, we need that motivation.

Reasons why you could have lost your mojo

Physical and Lifestyle factors

Have a check-in with yourself. Do you have an underlying health condition that impacts your motivation, do you have irregular breathing, do you have hormonal issues?  Are there lifestyle factors going that are impacting your mojo? Do you have a lack of sleep? We use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. It is strategically used for a negative purpose. It shows you how important sleep is. How much deep sleep are you getting,...

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How to Leave a Legacy as a childless person


The word legacy can be triggering for some and especially today in this post as we are discussing the topic of how to ‘Leave a Legacy’ as a childless person, especially when childless not by choice.

I know this can be a terribly difficult topic for those who are part of the community of childless not by choice and those who know people who are, and don't know what to say.

I have spoken about this before but to recap my own personal story about legacy and bloodline.

You haven’t missed here on the blog, on social or in newsletters; me talking about kids, as my husband and I, aka Mr P don’t have our family yet and it wasn’t by choice.

Ours has been a 13 year journey so far.  Without it becoming a 13 year soap opera, there have been many procedures, many avenues investigated.  There have been heartbeats seen and hearts broken when lost.  There are more stars in the sky during our 13 year journey. And the journey has been over...

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How instant gratification is killing legacy creation

It’s time to talk about instant gratification and the impact this is having on those who are seeking to create a legacy.

You may or may not know this about me, but in case you don’t, I love an underdog and especially the underdog when it comes to property.

My husband Mr P and I, are on our second full property renovation which is now completed, the home is sold and we are looking for what is our next project.

When you are looking at a property to renovate, it’s as much about unburdening yourself of your ego and your limitations and seeing the beauty of the masterpiece property within.

And when looking at property to renovate I get nervous, because it isn’t about the sale or profit.  It’s about creating something that could have a lasting impact on future families who give the home a new soul and memories.

Because of this when I look at a property, fear is always with me.

Fear if can we create the vision that I see in my mind.

The fear of...

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How Writing your own Eulogy can Enable you to Live your Best Life Now

coaching legacy mindset Jun 29, 2021

Diving straight in today and talking about a topic that many find difficult: death.  

You see in the western world death is scary. We can have trauma from the death of a loved one. And death is an uncontrollable event.

I’m not talking about the afterlife or next lives today, so any woo-woo avoiders; don’t worry.

What I am talking about is that if you want to live your best life, go to the end and a very specific part of the ending: your eulogy.

This is not a theory-based blog post today, this is a creative exercise that I’m going to encourage you to do. A note that this experience with clients can have a profound impact on people, with urgency and clarity.

So before we dive into the how, yes overachievers I’m going to make you wait a little longer, let’s talk about why.

We can live in the present day, using our past legacies to influence how we show up in the present-day version of ourselves. In society it can be about immediate gratification...

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How to Define your Legacy

coaching legacy Jun 24, 2021


What I love about helping entrepreneurs and business owners define their legacy, is that at any moment you don’t know where a conversation might go.

You see, as far as I’m concerned, every human is looking to define their legacy even if they don’t use that particular language around it. And in this context, we are talking about legacy future, once our souls are no longer on this planet.

Some are under the impression that legacy is only to be found in material circumstances. Some are carrying the presuppositions from family as to what a legacy should look like. Some are only focusing on the external shifts that need to happen to create a future legacy rather than shifting their own internal experience.

And for some, which is where we are focusing today, they are struggling to define their future legacy from their present mindset and legacy.

Story Time...

Let me share with you a story from my upbringing as to how defining our future legacy from the...

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