What to do when youā€™ve lost your MOJO?

I’m having so many clients who feel like they lost their mojo. Do you feel like your drive is gone, you feel lethargic or flat? Do you have things to do on that never-ending to-do list but don’t have the drive to get them done? Why does mojo matter? Mojo is your drive, your enthusiasm, you drive to get stuff done and it does so consistently and persistently.

When we want to create legacies, a functional business and a high performing lifestyle, we need that motivation.

Reasons why you could have lost your mojo

Physical and Lifestyle factors

Have a check-in with yourself. Do you have an underlying health condition that impacts your motivation, do you have irregular breathing, do you have hormonal issues?  Are there lifestyle factors going that are impacting your mojo? Do you have a lack of sleep? We use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. It is strategically used for a negative purpose. It shows you how important sleep is. How much deep sleep are you getting,...

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