Using the Sturgeon Supermoon in coaching

Working with celestial events like the Blue Sturgeon Supermoon can be a powerful and symbolic way to enhance coaching practices and personal growth.

Here's a guide on how to harness the energy of the August 2023 Blue Sturgeon Supermoon to release and let go of what you've outgrown from a coaching perspective:

1.Understand the significance of the Blue Sturgeon Supermoon:

The Supermoon is a full moon that appears larger and brighter in the sky due to its close proximity to Earth. The Blue Sturgeon Supermoon is a rare occurrence and signifies amplified energies for transformation, release, and renewal. This is an ideal time to focus on letting go of what no longer serves you and making space for positive change.

2. Reflect on what you've outgrown:

As a coach, encourage your clients to take some time for introspection. Reflect on their journey so far and identify areas of their lives or beliefs that are holding them back or are no longer in alignment with their true selves. This might...

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It happens to us all – insights of a struggling coach

coach coaching mindset Mar 02, 2022

This blogpost is all about struggling. When we are looking to achieve dreams and goals, whether in business or in life, we all have those days when we are struggling. For me there was a day when the tipping point led to me yelling to the Universe “Really?! I’m struggling here!!”

I was packing my bags for a year of adventure, slipped and grabbed one of the metal rail bars. Almost watching in slow motion, my entire wardrobe fell apart like a Rube Goldberg machine and ALL of the clothes were on the floor and me in the middle of the heap.

If we look at the bigger picture of what happened here, the chain of events that day: My struggle started with an email, What to do in the eye of the struggle hurricane, what was really going on, how to decide to be instead and what to do next, post struggle meltdown.

My struggle started with an email

If I wind the clock back before I even started packing, I know that I went into that wardrobe in a mood. Let’s say not at my...

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Finishing 2021 Strong in business

Welcome to Finishing 2021 strong in business or crawling to the finish line.

Let’s dive in and ask the question – are you finishing the year strong or feeling like you are crawling to the finish line?

Or let’s do a quick reframe of the question – do you want to have an amazing 2022 or if you are reading this in the future, do you want to have an amazing next year?

I used to swim as a kid.  When I say swim, I trained 3 times a week and had my first ever coach.

I’ll never forget the wisdom that he taught me. You see I wasn’t and am not your typical swimmer.  I’m only just 5.5. now, and as a kid of about 13, I was 5 ft nothing.

I’m a curvy vixen and have been that way since I hit my teens.

So when I used to go to swimming competitions, when the swimmers are on the blocks, you look up and down to check out who else is competition.   And I didn’t look like competition.

And that’s ok. But I knew....

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TEDx Speaker

Laura is excited to be a TEDx speaker, part of the internationally renowned TED brand 

As a TEDx speaker in Southampton, Laura will be giving a talk on "What the art of seduction can teach us about customer service" as part of the theme "Human to human". 

Watch her talk below:

Laura’s TEDx talk is inspired by the work that she does here at House of Seductology, as a 20-year marketing veteran and neuroscience-based coach. 

House of Seductology embraces the power of neuroscience, marketing and the missing ingredient of seduction to create your legacy life.  

Her TEDx talk wowed the audience with her usual blend of exciting and dynamic speaking style.  

Laura Payne-Stanley, TEDx Speaker Southampton 

Laura is a keynote conference speaker, marketing speaker, mindset speaker, TEDx speaker, and trusted advisor.  She works internationally helping service-based...

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Business Coach for NLP Coaches

business coach coaching nlp Aug 26, 2021

More Impact, More Money with a Business Coach for NLP Coaches 

NLP or Neuro-linguistic programming is a psychology approach to achieving behavioural change and mind mastery.   

As an NLP Practitioner or NLP Master Practitioner welcome to this post and as a fellow NLP Master Coach, I know that you already love NLP and are now looking to grow your NLP Coaching Business.  

And I get it...

NLP Coaching is a powerful skillset BUT now you need to grow that skill into a profitable business practice 

There is a truth that I see time and time again with my clients, that not all NLP Coaches are great at the business of coaching.  

Of course it makes sense, you may have done your NLP training and passed as a qualified NLP expert, but then didn’t know where to start on the business.  

The areas to focus on when starting your NLP Coaching Practice include: 

  • ...
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7 Best NLP Books to become a coach

business coach nlp Nov 18, 2020

Whether you are looking to become a coach or for your own personal development, neuro-linguistic programming is a powerful coaching tool, and here are the best NLP Books.

The list that follows is comprehensive for beginner level as you explore the powerful world of NLP, and I’ve also thrown in a couple of more advanced books too, for you if you wish to progress.

An important note that the books below give a comprehensive top-level overview of NLP as a topic, but they do not always go into specific focus on certain models or techniques.

What is NLP

Before we get into the book list, let’s go back to what actually is NLP. 

NLP stands for ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming’ and has been around since 1970’s when its co-founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder first modelled the therapists Milton Erickson, Gregory Bateson, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir.

ANLP defines NLP as a collection of models, techniques and strategies for modelling excellence, in...

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